This is an extraordinary cycle tourism itinerary that accompanies the Great River for the last 100 kilometres of its course into the Adriatic Sea. It is one of the longest cycle routes in Europe, cutting horizontally through the Ferrara area, starting from Bondeno and arriving close to the Gorino lighthouse.


The route runs between agricultural farmland on one side and floodplains with riparian woodland on the other. The itinerary near Serravalle, known as La Porta del Delta (The Delta Gateway), follows the first fork in the river (at 76 km), skirting the Po di Goro river, one of the seven tributaries that make up the Po Delta. Along the route, in the Mesola area, inside the first station in the "Volano-Mesola-Goro” Park, turning right (94 km) you can make a first stop to visit the Fossil Dune Oasis in Massenzatica. Continuing along the cycle route we reach Mesola Castle, which bears witness to the power of the Este family in the Po Delta, and where the Mesola Woodland and Deer Museum is housed. A little further on, it is recommended that visitors enter the Santa Giustina Wood (108 km); from here they reach Torre dell'Abate, an ancient 16th-century lock.


Returning to the Destra Po cycle route and continuing towards its mouth, it is possible to observe the large green scrub of the Mesola Wood Nature Reserve and, further on, the Dindona Valley, a river bend and natural oasis of outstanding value. Once in Goro, you can admire the Sacca which receives water from the river and is now used for fish farming, particularly for clam harvesting. One of the last barge bridges can be seen near Gorino. The itinerary continues as far as Lanterna Vecchia, where the Mezzanino Nature Reserve stretches out. To round off the visit to this area of natural beauty, guided motorboat trips can be made from Goro and Gorino to the Goro Lighthouse.





LENGHT: 119,5 km – flat altitude difference
BASE: asfalto
BIKE TYPE: mountain bike, trekking bike