Ecomuseums are cultural bodies and institutions that ensure, within a given territory and thanks to the participation of local communities, the functions of research, conservation, protection and enhancement of a set of cultural assets, of both a tangible and an intangible nature, representing an environment, landscape, territory and the ways of life that have followed and accompanied its development.
They are also an instrument of popular participation for the management of the territory and the development of the community: the Ecomuseum is, indeed, a pact with which the community takes care of the local area.

The Mesola Woods and Deer Ecomuseum
The Mesola Woods and Deer Ecomuseum is included in the Regional Park of the Po Delta. A visit is a must mainly for the curiosity that the Estense Castle arouses

Comacchio Valley and Historical Fish Processing Plant Ecomuseum
The lagoon town of Comacchio, which has always been famous for its eel fishing, offers visitors the Comacchio Valley and Historical Fish Processing Plant Ecomuseum

The Argenta Ecomuseum
The Argenta Ecomuseum consists of three museum stations and a nature section

The Ecomuseum of Marsh Grasses
Villanova di Bagnacavallo was once part of a complex territorial system of waterways and wetlands

The Ecomuseum of Salt and the Sea
The Ecomuseum of Salt and the Sea derived from the desire of an entire community to give value to its local landscape, its history and its future

Ecomuseum of the reclamation of Marozzo-Lagosanto
The Marozzo water-scooping plant powered by steam engines could lift and discharge all the water coming from the valleys into the Po di Volano river