Armed with binoculars and spotting scopes, we will silently and stealthily wander through naturalistic oases of superb beauty to admire the flight of a hawk, the dance of a crane, the courtship ritual of a pair of grebes or the delicate movements of pink flamingos at the first light of dawn.
Birdwatching is a unique and entertaining way to come into direct contact with nature, and the Po Delta Park, with its extraordinary biodiversity and over three hundred species of birdlife, is a veritable paradise for birdwatchers.
54,000 hectares characterised by a great variety of environments, ranging from the residual dunes of the coastline to the green expanse of the Mesola Wood, from the evocative nature trails along the rivers to the ancient pinewoods of the Ravenna area, from the endless expanses of brackish water in the Comacchio valleys and the Sacca di Goro to the freshwater valleys of Argenta and Ostellato, from the flooded forest in the Punte Alberete Oasis to the mirrors of the Cervia Salt Works.
Many nesting, migratory and wintering species find food and shelter in these areas: herons, grebes, cormorants, egrets, marsh harriers, pink flamingos, little terns, black-winged stilts and spoonbills are just some of the birds that can be seen here, not to mention some species that are now rare and have disappeared from the rest of Italy.
So, what are you waiting for? Come with us to discover this extraordinary nature, slowly savouring its smells, colours and flavours... without disturbing or being disturbed!

International Birdwatching Fair