In the past, Po di Volano was the main branch of the Delta and retains a lot of monuments of its history along its banks. It can be navigated with small boats from the city of Ferrara. From Migliarino to its mouth, it is possible to do an eco-sustainable trip by boat and bicycle, among fertile fields and orchards, willows, white poplars, churches and historic buildings. Along its course towards the Delta, it is possible to land at the docks of Migliarino and Massa Fiscaglia. From here, you can reach the Heronry of Codigoro by bicycle. There you'll fi nd a colony of gray herons, egrets, and night herons naturally formed near the water basins of an abandoned sugar mill. Just beyond, you can see the chimneys of water-scooping machines, the region's fi rst systems of mechanical reclamation.


From the dock of Codigoro, you can continue along the river, passing the Bishop’s Palace on the way to the mouth. To continue cycling, however, take the cycle route to Pomposa, where you can visit the famous Benedictine Abbey. In the locality of Passo Pomposa, the historic route “Via del Sale” that connects to the museum Ecomuseo della Bonifica di Lagosanto finishes.


Cycling towards the sea, you can see the sluice Chiavica dell’Agrifoglio of the XVIth century. When you reach Volano, you'll find the oasis Valli Canneviè and Porticino, that can be visited thanks to a path adapted for birdwatching, and the tower, Torre della Finanza, an ancient outpost for the control of commercial traffic on the river. From here you can take the electric boat to visit the natural area of The Mouth of the Po di Volano. From Volano, in the locality Taglio della Falce, you can reach Goro, going along the Nature Reserve of Bosco della Mesola and the Sacca di Goro.