Among the many hypotheses linked to the etymology of the name "Mesola", the most accredited one appeals to the Latin origin "media insula", an explicit reference to the conformation of the ancient settlement. The village of Mesola was founded thanks to the land reclamation undertaken in the 16th century by the Este family. The area of the estate, occupied by the sea until the 10th century, was purchased by the House of Este at the end of the 15th century to build one of their country residences, known as the Delizie.
The suggestive Mesola Castle was commissioned by the last Duke of Ferrara, Alfonso II d'Este, and was built between 1578 and 1583 as a "place of delights" for his wife Margherita Gonzaga based on a plan designed by Giovan Battista Aleotti and built by the architect Antonio Pasi. Today, the manor has a singular quadrangular floor plan, marked at the corners by pentagonal crenellated towers.
It is surrounded by what were once the service buildings for the court staff, stables and warehouses. From the castle once stretched walls more than 12 km long that enclosed the Mesola Estate, including a wood in which the Este family enjoyed hunting.
In the evocative setting of the castle, on the second floor there is the Museum of the Mesola Deer and Wood. Through cartographic documents, the exhibition illustrates the evolution of the Mesola territory, as well as its most salient features, including the great Mesola Wood and its Dune Deer.

Il Castello, dotato di ascensore per raggiungere facilmente tutti i piani, è stato ristrutturato nel 2018 e in quella occasione sono stati eliminati i gradini di collegamento tra le sale. Qui si svolgono eventi temporanei con allestimenti sempre diversi come convegni, matrimoni, esposizioni, ecc…
Al piano terra, oltre la biglietteria, si trovano pannelli illustrativi dedicati alla dinastia Estense, dove è possibile vedere l’albero genealogico ed alcune cartografie. Sempre a questo piano è disponibile il servizio igienico attrezzato, raggiungibile con rampa.
Al primo piano, chiamato anche piano Nobile, erano presenti gli appartamenti del Duca e della Duchessa. Qui è possibile ammirare la Sala Cesare Laurenti, dedicata al pittore per la meravigliosa opera in ceramica esposta.
Mesola - Piazza Santo Spirito
Tel: +39 339 1935943
9.30 am - 12.30 pm and 3.00 p - 6.00 pm
The ticket includes admission to the Museo del Bosco e del Cervo della Mesola.
Guided tours by reservation, reservations required for guided tours for groups.
Full rate 5,00 euro.
Reduced rate 3,00 euro (over 65, under 18, groups min. 15 pax)