Where is located

An important fishing port on the north-eastern border of the vast protected area of the Po Delta Regional Park

When to go and what to see

Located within the 1st Station of the Po Delta Park, it is the starting point for numerous boat trips to discover the natural environment of the Po Delta and descend along the river towards the sea, among islands, sandbanks and reed beds. It is also a privileged location for birdwatching.

Do not miss

The Sacca di Goro, a large lagoon enclosed between the Po di Goro and the Po di Volano rivers, is an area known for the production of shellfish, in particular clams, which find their ideal habitat in these sandy bottoms, on average 60-70 cm deep with a maximum of 2 m, to grow and develop. The fauna includes numerous species of both breeding and migratory water birds; fish fauna, in addition to farmed mussels, consists of oysters, mullets, eels, sea bream and sea bass.


The area bordering the sea is delineated by a long strip of sand locally called Scannone di Goro, better known as “Love Island”. It is a very recent strip of land that emerged as a consequence of the advancement of the Po river and is a refuge for numerous birds. On the outermost part of the Scannone di Goro, on an isolated strip of sand called the Scanno del Faro, stands the Faro di Goro Lighthouse

On the table

The Sacca di Goro is the ideal habitat for a large quantity of mullet, sea bream, sea bass and for the reproduction and breeding of mussels, oysters and veracious clams. Here you can taste thousands of tasty recipes mainly based on clams, mussels, crustaceans and prawns from the valley. The Sagra della Vongola (Clam Festival) is the town's tribute to its main product during the month of July and allows visitors to enjoy all the flavours and traditions of Goro.

Video-Racconti dal Delta del Po


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EN VO04 - Discovering the Po Delta